

Created by MOOD Publishing

1-4 player co-op action cavecrawler based on the popular video game Deep Rock Galactic.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pledge Manager update and the Mouse Pad art survey
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 10:52:23 PM

Miners, Glyphid Slayers and Board Game enthusiasts!

Russian and Belarus backers

Kickstarter and Swipe are currently refunding all backers from Russia and Belarus. This is an unseen and extraordinary situation which is why it is taking such a long time.

Getting money from Kickstarter

Because of the situation described above we, at MOOD Publishing, have not received the money from Kickstarter yet, which means we cannot start the Pledge Manager. Once we receive the money from Kickstarter, the Pledge Manager is ready to launch and all backers will get a notification mail. We will also write it in an update.

Production and getting the ready for print

We are on time with production and the delays on the Pledge Manager should not affect the production. All print ready files for the cards, player boards, game board, cave segments, tokens and minis have been sent to production. We expect the last files - including the rule and missions, box art and all art for Goo from above to be sent to production within the next 2 weeks.

Mouse Pad survey

What print will be on the Mouse Pad - you get to decide. 

Please vote using the link below (vote before April 4th): 

You can chose one or more of the below versions in the link.

...and last but not least - here is the new creature sheet - front and back:

Pledge Manager, the Dark Caves and more...
almost 3 years ago – Sun, Mar 20, 2022 at 04:30:23 AM

Greetings Miners

We are still hammering away - not in the mines but on the keyboard and the wacom -  finishing the various stretch goals, rule book corrections, graphic updates and last minis, getting everything ready for print. Right now we are on track, but keeping our fingers crossed that the factory in China will re-open soon (It was affected by the latest big Covid-19 lock down in China). They are admin are still supporting us with getting our stuff print ready, but the main factory is closed.

Pledge Manager

Alas, we have still not received the money from Kickstarter and can therefore not launch Pledge Manager yet. We will update you as soon as we can launch Pledge Manager.

“Dropped” backers

Did your payment not go through? Do you still want to back? Fear not - BackerKit has promised us that we will be able to send you a mail and you can be retrieved as a backer - same backer number and everything.


Unfortunately some backers have been affected by the situation. We have flagged the issue to kickstarter and they are investigating options, and we will also reach out once the Pledge Manager is open to ALL affected backers. We can’t ship to the above mentioned countries for the foreseeable future.

New stuff

Introducing The Dark Caves! The back side of the cave tiles now feature slightly darker, slightly more challenging caves, riddled with pits and ravines. Use these sides together with the regular cave sides of the tiles to make even more varied and challenging cave systems.

Hello Miners!
about 3 years ago – Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 12:10:26 AM

Dear Backers

A short update. Kickstarter is still processing all the transactions, which is being done through Stripe. Due to the sad situation in Ukraine, Stripe has described the impacts here:
If you are from Russia, Belarus or Ukraine you will be affected by the situation. At this point we can’t fulfil to any of the mentioned countries. 

Shipping: As most of you have probably noticed the world is crazy with supply chain issues and now also an energy crisis. This means that all major shipping companies are adding fuel surcharges to theirs shipments and this will also affect our orders. We won’t raise our shipping rates yet, we still believe we can keep them as is, but if the trend escalates more we would have to increase the shipping costs too.

And for some fun, here are the new Throwables (unlocked as Stretch Goals) that will be part of the game. We can’t wait to smash some rock with the Soil Smasher and the Tunnel Carver.

Painted minis and FAQs
about 3 years ago – Sat, Mar 05, 2022 at 02:21:47 AM

Hello Miners

Check out the line-up of the beautiful painted dwarves by Henry Steele from Cult of Paint.

We are really looking forward to getting this game to you. After we saw the seconds of the campaign tick down last night we lined up three DeepRockGalactic boards and had some test games with the new Unlocks. One of the boards (with Ole, Søren and Mikkel) tested the Extraction Point Mission but alas they failed. The new Primary Weapons worked great and so did the Throwables. The Menace is utterly annoying and you really want to whack the Warden quickly.  We will show updates of the cards as soon as they are done.

Answers to some FAQ’s

  • The last stretch goal is unlocked. We just can't change the graphic after the campaign is over.
  1. The Pledge Manager should be up and running in 10-14 days and run for about 3 weeks.
  2. Yes, you can change your pledge in the Pledge Manager. A $1 pledge can be upgraded to a Collector’s A if you wanted to. Or a Deluxe to a Collector’s A or B. Whatever you want to upgrade to.
  3. Yes, you can buy an extra game in Pledge Manager. So if you have pledged a Deluxe - you can if you want to, add the extra money and back a Standard version as well. Or an extra Deluxe - whatever you want.
  4. Yes - you can buy the add-ons in the Pledge Manager - you just have to pay extra.
  5. Yes - you will be charged shipping in Pledge Manager.
  6. Yes - you will be charged VAT if you live in a country where you pay VAT.
  7. Yes - there will be a LATE PLEDGE - the price for the LATE PLEDGES will be higher than the initial Pledge while the KS Campaign ran.
  8. Some people’s cards /payment have been denied or not gone through. We have written to Support on KS to find out if it is a problem at their end.

That is it for now - new updates next week.

Have a Rock’n’Stone weekend!!

about 3 years ago – Fri, Mar 04, 2022 at 12:05:05 AM

Dear Miners

We are almost at the end of the caves. 24 hours to get the last loot and return to the drop pod.

Loot Bug

No, there won’t be a mini, but we will make a Loot Bug ready for 3D print for all you Loot Bug caretakers. It will be included in the Collector’s Edition STL Print and in both the Glyphids STL add-on and All Miniatures STL add-on.

You Rock’n’Stone!!!!